“Schön, dass Sie da sind”
I was amused, excited and also confused
What does it really connote?
I asked google, searching for the imminent
“Nice to have you here” google illuminated
No, certainly not that unadorned
I was convinced, it meant far beyond
For days and years, growing together
I was sure it was a voice from nowhere
But from an inner-shrine of a friend
So deep and so beloved:
“Schön, dass Sie da sind”
Our differences!
We are different, indeed to the core
And we love to celebrate that evermore
Owing each other no explanation
Not concerned of any fixed definition
Yet, it shouldn’t be deemed indecorous
And unduly familiar, because
We make each other to be heard:
“Schön, dass Sie da sind”
Our fragility!
We are fragile, of course we are
We try to sit down there on the floor
Suddenly we spring up to the mountain
But only to sit down on the ground again
Yes, our fragility makes it hard to sit down
But we do it, for we are concerned
Not to let each other untouched:
“Schön, dass Sie da sind”
And our familiarity!
How much do we know each other?
Perhaps very little, or better than before
Does it really matter?
Aren’t we certain and clear
That it is very deep and dear
We cherish to be what we are
Because we belong to each other
Therefore, we dare to repeat the sound:
“Schön, dass Sie da sind”
[Notes: Prof. Martin Tamcke and I conversed very seldom in German. But there is one sentence that he never expressed in English but always whispered it in German with a profound intimacy and love, and he repeated it countless times. And the sentence was: Schön, dass Sie da sind… Each time he uttered these words, they deeply touched my inner-shrine making an everlasting impact on my very being. Perhaps it would be impossible to ‘translate’ this sentence into any human languages. Therefore, this poem attempts to transform, not the words of this sentence but the feelings and emotions that it imbibes, into a poetic musing. This is my heartfelt tribute to my dearly beloved teacher and friend Martin Tamcke. – GJ]